美國布林肯向中國國慶致賀 賀詞與去年有這些不同


發布時間: 2022/10/01 11:22

最後更新: 2022/10/01 11:30



美國布林肯向中國國慶致賀 賀詞與去年有這些不同

新中國成立73周年,美國國務院在美國時間9月30日晚,發表國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)祝賀中華人民共和國國慶聲明。布林肯今年對中國國慶賀詞比去年長,更明確地闡述了美方尋求與中方合作的意願和範疇。





(On the occasion of the 73rd People’s Republic of China National Day, I offer my congratulations to the people of China on behalf of the United States of America.

As the United States works with the international community to tackle the great obstacles the world faces today, we welcome the cooperation of the People’s Republic of China in addressing global challenges in health, climate change, counternarcotics, and other areas where our interests intersect.

We hope for a peaceful and happy year ahead for the people of China.)



(On behalf of the United States of America, I would like to extend our congratulations to the people of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the country celebrates its National Day on October 1.

As the United States seeks to work cooperatively to solve the challenges we all face, we wish the people of the PRC peace, happiness, and prosperity over the coming year.)

國慶73周年 天安門廣場舉行升旗儀式視頻圖輯

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